Mastering Farmer’s Walk: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: The kettlebell farmer’s walk involves several different muscle groups, making it an excellent strength building exercise to include in your CrossFit workout. Since it involves gripping two kettlebells throughout walking portion of the movement, the muscles in the forearms (flexor muscles) and wrists are given a significant workout. Continuing with the arm muscles, the shoulders (deltoids) and upper back

Mastering The Barbell Romanian Deadlift: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: Although this exercise is mainly for developing the hamstrings (muscle on the back of the leg), it’s also an excellent movement for the lower back. A big contributing muscle group when barbell Romanian deadlifts are performed is the quadratus lumborum or more often called the muscles of the mid to lower back. This is because the key movement