The 5 Best Upper Body One-Arm Exercises To Fix Muscular Imbalance and Get Stronger

Unilateral training (lifting with only one arm or one leg) is important. The problem is, we have some coaches who say it's a waste of time while others limit their unilateral training to just the lower body. The former group is just plain wrong and the latter group is shortchanging their athletes. How often have you been doing a squat

Grow And Sculpt Strong Calves With These 6 Body Weight Exercises

You likely know that improving your strength calls for targeting three major lower-body muscle groups—quads,glutes, and hamstrings. But they’re not the only players in the game. Despite their smaller size, your calf and ankle muscles are just as important for improving strength and pushing shape. Why won’t my calves get bigger? A question always on the mind of your average

Try This 6 Move Bodyweight Test to Help Find and Fix Your Weak Spots For A Better Lift

You’ve heard about symmetry before: It’s a mathematical principle that denotes exact equality on two sides. Some elementary school teacher probably taught you about all of this years ago, and you likely haven’t thought about symmetry since. But you should, and especially when it comes to running, because an asymmetrical body could be the culprit behind a nagging injury, or

Five Moves in Five Minutes With This Bodyweight Workout To Tone And Shape

We’ve all had those days — endless meetings, back-to-back clients, overloaded schedules. But several shorter workouts done throughout the day can be as effective health-wise as one long session, so bust out this programme when you have five minutes to spare. Do two to three minutes of dynamic stretching, then perform each of these multi-joint moves for one minute, repeating