3 Moves To De-Stress, Sculpt And Slim Your Whole Body With Just A Set Of Dumbbells

Fitness crazes come and go, but if you’re looking for a workout that ramps up results, these dumbbell exercises used in the Nalini Method offer serious gains. This intense routine is poised to be the next big thing in fitness. The Nalini Method is a challenging combination of Eastern and Western practices. It fuses mental and physical conditioning for a

Start Sleeping Like a Baby With These 8 Secret All-Natural Sleep Aids To Better Your Sleep

Tossing and turning all night never feels good. An estimated 164 million people struggle with sleep at least once a week. Insomnia can do worse than just tire you out the next day. If you're suffering from a chronic lack of sleep, it can take a toll on your overall health. Ongoing sleep deficiency can lower your immune system, making

7 Advantages Of Dumbbells And Why You Should Ditch The Barbell

For those with goals related to strength training, there are countless options for increasing lean muscle or adding strength. Choices include the traditional weight machines, barbells or dumbbells, as well as a wide variety of specialised equipment such as kettlebells, medicine balls, sandbags and even oversized tires. Dumbbells are often used for joint-isolation exercises such as biceps curls, chest flyes

Utilise These 10 Ways To Effectively Combat And Recover From Soreness After A Workout

Any increased intensity to your workout and exercise routine is liable to cause Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), which (although sometimes painful!) is nothing to be worried about as it is a natural reaction within your body. The good news is that your body gets used to increased activity quickly, so DOMS should not become something that always happens and should

Here’s 8 Vegan Friendly Foods To Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels

The body produces testosterone in both men and women to regulate body mass, work with other hormones, and control sex drive. In men, testosterone contributes to the distribution of fat and red blood cell production, but testosterone levels start to decrease after the age of 30 at a rate of around 1% a year. Some of the benefits of increasing your testosterone levels include improvement in your body