Sculpt Lean Muscles With These 4 Beginner-Friendly Weighted Barbell Moves

Barbells are one of the most effective training tools on the gym floor. Most barbell movements engage a greater amount of muscle throughout the body in order to maintain balance and stability, which means you’ll burn more calories during your workout. Plus, most of the exercises mimic movement patterns we do elsewhere in life. And unlike the guys, women tend to be

Both Swimming And Running Are Known To Be Good For Weight Loss, But Which Is The Best?

Land versus water: it’s a polarising argument, with each claiming theirs is the way forward for health and fitness. Let’s start on the fence: both have their strengths when it comes to cardiovascular exercise and healthy weight loss. Both exercise several muscle groups at once and increase your heart rate, assisting in your overall cardiovascular health. An often overlooked perk

6 Of The Most Soothing Yoga Poses To Boost Relaxation And Beat Insomnia

Having trouble sleeping? You’re not alone – and it could be costing you more than just a restless night and sleepy day, people with insomnia are much more likely to experience associated health problems such as anxiety, depression, diabetes, and congestive heart failure. But don’t despair – a good night’s sleep really is within reach. A pre-bedtime yoga for sleep

Step Up Your Game With These 10 Pro-approved Kitchen Tactics To Get Shredded Fast

Summer may be over, but abs never go out of style.  You’re lean, but you’re not ripped. Don’t panic. You’re not doomed to a life of soft abs. Just when you thought there was nothing else you could do, you’ve stumbled upon this page. If your chicken-and-broccoli game is strong, you eat every three to four hours like clockwork, and protein powder

Pull More Weight And Strengthen Your Back With These 6 Valuable Deadlift-Coaching Cues

The barbell deadlift is a compound exercise used to develop overall strength and size in the posterior chain. It is a competition lift in the sport of power lifting, but is also considered a classic benchmark of overall strength. When performed with the hands outside the knees, it is often called a "conventional" deadlift. When the feet are wide and

Avoid These 6 Missteps When Trying To Chisel Washboard abs

Do you want some action hero abs? Then don’t make these six common core training mistakes. Stronger, muscular abs are probably one of the most sought after physique improvements. For some, the aim is to lose belly fat and achieve a tighter stomach. For others, greater core strength is the goal. While building amazing abs isn’t science, people constantly make mistakes in the gym that will

7 Fantastic Leg Stretches To Warm Up Or Cool Down And Create An Impressive Lower Body

There are many benefits to stretching before your workout: it prepares your body for the workout to come and increases joint flexibility. Regular stretching alone cannot prevent injuries, make you run faster, or correct poor posture. But it prepares your body for your workout and helps relax tired muscles afterwards! Are you not really sure what stretching exercises to include in