Do This Age-Defying Workout To Look & Feel Younger Than Ever

We all know wisdom isn’t the only thing that comes with age. Our bodies change, too. But some of the things women associate with the tip over 40—muscle loss, a slowed metabolism, stubborn fat, lower energy—don’t have to be your destiny. There are plenty of ways to maximize your results. What follows is a high-intensity workout and training guide for lasting fitness. This full-body circuit that targets

9 Moves To Speed Your Metabolism & Help You Slim Down In Just One Month

High-intensity plyometric moves, like the ones in this plan, target several muscles simultaneously and keep your heart rate elevated the entire time you’re exercising. Result: You burn more calories and fire up your metabolism long after the workout is over. These explosive movements require almost no equipment, either, so you can work up a sweat no matter where you are. Check out the plan, workouts,

Build Bigger Pecs, Delts & Triceps With These 6 Unique Variations of a Push-Up

There is only one body-weight exercise you can think of for hitting pecs—pushups—and those get old after a while. Why pushups? It’s both their simplicity (everyone knows them; they require zero equipment) and that they test strength and cardio capacity. Pushups are the ultimate adapter exercise. They can be done anywhere. They recruit more than half the muscles in the

No Junk In Your Trunk? Here’s Your 6 Move Guaranteed Booty-Building Solution

Everyone wants perfect glutes — those high, rounded, bounce-a-quarter-off-’em bums. And while the J-Los and Beyoncés of the universe were simply born with genetically gifted rear views, others had to fight tooth and nail for every last muscle fiber they’ve got. For your butt to look this way today requires a lot of hard work and lots of weight. Now lifting moderate

5 Moves That Target The Muscles Used To Get Ready For Your Perfect Pull-Up

When it comes to marquee moves, none grant you bigger bragging rights than the pull-up. Many people, even strong athletes, think it’s impossible to master. When they finally get there, it's like earning a badge of honor. Yes, there’s the pride. But the exercise is also worth building up to for its physical benefits: It engages the core, quads, glutes, and