This Workout Targets Your Glutes for a Better Lift And Shapely Lower Body

If you're like most women—and many men—you want a better butt. You're tired of sitting on pancakes. You want to defy gravity and deny the dreaded droop. In short, you want to build glorious glutes. Learning how to activate and recruit the glute muscles is an essential component to effective glute training. Glute workouts should address not only the glutes themselves,

Get A Fast And Effective Total-Body Workout Using Just A Medicine Ball In Only 10 Minutes

If you’ve never used a medicine ball for your workout then you’re missing out. Medicine balls are particularly useful for explosive movements, and there’s no better exercise for relieving stress in the gym than the medicine ball slam, where you hurl one into the ground as hard as possible. You can’t do that with a dumbbell, unless your gym is really

15 Minute Body-Weight HIIT Workout That Will Improve Your Figure And Fitness

Try this quick and effective body-weight high-intensity interval training routine, whenever you are short on time but want a great workout with no equipment needed. Dynamic body-weight exercises help develop functional strength and recruit more muscles to perform the movement compared with an exercise like a bicep curl. Set an interval timer  for 30 seconds of work and 20 seconds

The Fat Burning Body Blasting 20-Minute HIIT Workout You Can Perform Anywhere

By performing quick bursts of high-intensity movements with all-out effort, followed by short periods of rest, you can torch calories and sculpt lean muscles in a relatively short amount of time. One of the big benefits of HIIT is the ability to maximise caloric output during a shorter workout. It improves heart health and creates more of a post-exercise oxygen

Try These 5 Different Stairmaster Workout Exercises To Build Your Booty Sky High

Cardio days or stay home days? The stairmaster workout exercises you’ll read are amazing to tone,shape and lift your tush! The “golden machine of cardio” aka the stairmaster is an answer for you. It’s the machine that looks like a mini-stairway to nowhere town and it is hard.  The best part about the stairmaster is that it helps add to

The Push-Pull Workout For A Full Body Fat Burning Workout

Even out your pushes and pulls with this fat-burning, muscle-building, full-body workout. When you train, it’s tempting to do only your favourite strength exercises. But favouring only a few isolated, similar movements and neglecting opposing and complementary ones can create muscular imbalances. Push exercises work the muscles you use to move weight away from your body, specifically the pectorals, triceps,