Make Your Planks More Effective And Gain An Amazingly Shaped Set Of Abs With 3 Simple Tweaks

You use your core in pretty much every day movement. Your core is the base of all your power during exercise. There are ways to work your abs, but one move you'll see over and over again is the simple and effective plank. While it looks easy, if you're doing it with proper form, you'll feel everything from your abs

4 Fun Side Plank Variations To Strengthen Your Core And Shape Your Sides

Vasisthasana (side plank pose) has long been one of my favourite asanas to practice. It’s a wonderful preparation for more challenging arm balances, and as a vinyasa yogi, I love its versatility when used for transitions. Below are some side plank variations that you can incorporate into practice and yoga classes. Let’s review the more traditional side plank alignment, much

What Are The 5 Most Efficient Ab Exercises? Utilise This Workout And Build Abs Of Steel

No one will dispute the fact that you need to train your core, the general area that connects all of your fleshy stuff from below the chest and above the waist, all the way around. But some people will argue that directly training the anterior core—or front, is unnecessary because big and heavy compound movements like the squat and deadlift

Does The 30 Day Plank Challenge Actually Work? Try For Yourself And Be Amazed With The Results

If you’ve never had a strong core, you might not realise just how much it can impact your daily life. A strong torso helps shield against injury, can improve back (and possibly even knee) pain, improves posture, and promotes more efficient movement overall. If you’re new to exercise and/or have limited time to work out, prioritising core strength is a

Did You Know You Can Get In A Solid Abs Blast In Fewer Than 5 Minutes? This Workout Proves It!

Did you know You can get in a solid abs blast in fewer than 5 minutes? The key is keeping your muscles under constant tension the entire time. Your abdominals are endurance muscles in terms of strength. Because your abs help you maintain good posture and help with pretty much every movement you do, it makes sense that these muscles