Use This Week-Long Menu Of Healthy, Easy Breakfasts To Power Your Workout And Start Your Days Off Right

If you work or go to school, chances are that the time between your alarm and you pulling away in your car are filled with stress, hustle, and a coffee-deprived haze. But regardless of your morning rush, you need to fit in some time for food – some sustenance, not only to kick-start your motor but to halt muscle loss

Here’s 8 Vegan Friendly Foods To Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels

The body produces testosterone in both men and women to regulate body mass, work with other hormones, and control sex drive. In men, testosterone contributes to the distribution of fat and red blood cell production, but testosterone levels start to decrease after the age of 30 at a rate of around 1% a year. Some of the benefits of increasing your testosterone levels include improvement in your body

Follow This Lean-Muscle Food To Transform Your Physique And Reveal Your Six-Pack

Building lean muscle while simultaneously burning fat may not seem straightforward, but a few calculations and supermarket trips and you could be on your way to a new physique. Energy expenditure and your diet are key. Aim to consume around 2-3g of protein per kilogram of lean bodyweight every day, while reducing your carbohydrate (energy) intake to help the body

Are You A Beginner Or Just Want To Improve Your Workout? Incorporate These 10 Tips For An Optimal Workout

Opting for strength training is a great decision for everyone, irrespective of their age or weight. It does a lot of good for your present as well as future health. However, it’s important to note that thousands of people get injured due to strength training every year as they make one common mistake or the other. Even when you have