Five Moves in Five Minutes With This Bodyweight Workout To Tone And Shape

We’ve all had those days — endless meetings, back-to-back clients, overloaded schedules. But several shorter workouts done throughout the day can be as effective health-wise as one long session, so bust out this programme when you have five minutes to spare. Do two to three minutes of dynamic stretching, then perform each of these multi-joint moves for one minute, repeating

Improve Your Glute Bridge Form To Build A Strong Set Of Glutes And Legs

There are three gluteal muscles – the maximus, medius and minimus . They’re important in hip flexibility and movement, as well as looking fabulous. You should feel the burn in your glutes and your hamstrings if you’re doing it correctly. The bridge is also great for improving hip mobility and strengthening your lower back. Spending all day sitting behind a

Target The Muscles That Are Key To Your Knee Health With This Strength Building Workout

Your knees are problematic, you haven’t been doing that move. A majority of the chronic knee pains experienced are caused by imbalances or poor flexibility in the muscles around their knees, like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves—they're not caused by injuries that damage the structure of their joints. Looking to gain muscle and a toned body? That's why it's so

Get Lean With This 20-Minute Dumbbell Circuit & Stimulate Both Muscle Growth

We have a warning for you before you embark on this workout. It’s, er, a bit challenging. The good news, though, is that the reason it’s so hard is also the reason it’s so effective. Instead of using a sequence of exercises that target different muscle groups, this workout involves doing pairs of exercises that target the same muscle group.

The Best Placement For Your Feet To Gain Quad And Leg Muscle Mass On The Leg Press

You may not realise it, but where you place your feet on the leg-press sled can impact which muscles get trained the hardest. Learn more, and try each variation today! While the barbell squat is widely considered the king of all leg exercises, the leg press—another effective and popular leg builder—is definitely in the royal family. Even though it's easy to load up