The Stay At-Home Bodyweight Workout, Burn Calories And Build Muscle Without Any Equipment

With the coronavirus shutting down sporting events, restaurants, and practically any type of social gathering spot, it's a good time to upgrade your home gym or brush up on some of those bodyweight moves that require absolutely no equipment to keep your gains and keep progressing. Of course, the more bodyweight you have, the more challenging that workout can be. That’s good news, since you’ll drop weight as

Use This Week-Long Menu Of Healthy, Easy Breakfasts To Power Your Workout And Start Your Days Off Right

If you work or go to school, chances are that the time between your alarm and you pulling away in your car are filled with stress, hustle, and a coffee-deprived haze. But regardless of your morning rush, you need to fit in some time for food – some sustenance, not only to kick-start your motor but to halt muscle loss

Sculpt Strong Legs And An Incredible Butt With This Cellulite Blasting Workout

Cellulite gets a whole lot of attention—but it's completely natural. Technically, cellulite is just fat that happens to be packaged in lumps instead of layers. Various factors—genetics, hormones, and bad circulation, to name a few—figure into whether you'll develop it. The most important thing to know is that, no, you absolutely do not need to worry about the appearance of

Crush Stubborn Ab Flab And Love Handles Now With These 9 Fat-Burning Exercises

You’ve tried situps, cardio, and dumbbell side bends, but nothing seems to get rid of that stubborn belly fat on your sides. Sound familiar? It might be time to change up your gym routine—or start a new one. Commonly called “love handles,” that belly fat collecting around your torso is a key indicator of poor overall health. This workout is