Are You Ready For An Advanced Technique To Blast Fat? Try This Workout For Results

If transforming your body into a calorie-burning furnace is your goal, then you need to be sure your workouts invite as many muscle fibers to the party as possible. That’s why an advanced high-intensity technique known as compensatory acceleration training, or “CAT” for short is great! Because of its greater intensity, you’ll burn more calories during – and long after

Are Resistance Bands Effective For Building Muscle? They Are! 14 Full Body Moves Right Here

At the height of lockdown, when gyms were shut, many of us discovered the power of the resistance band. These humble strips of rubber don't get much play when you've got a full set of weights and machines to get stuck into, but it turns out they can actually provide a beneficial workout, from the comfort of your own home.

How Can I Sculpt Attractive Shoulders? Use This 6 Exercise Workout

Targeting your shoulders when working out can help with toning, sculpting and shaping your arms and upper body, as well as improving your strength and general fitness. Women come in all shapes and sizes, with different health, fitness and wellbeing goals, so there really is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to shoulder exercises. Build this stubborn

Sculpt Lean Muscles With These 4 Beginner-Friendly Weighted Barbell Moves

Barbells are one of the most effective training tools on the gym floor. Most barbell movements engage a greater amount of muscle throughout the body in order to maintain balance and stability, which means you’ll burn more calories during your workout. Plus, most of the exercises mimic movement patterns we do elsewhere in life. And unlike the guys, women tend to be

Use These Five Exercises For A Better Warm-up And Enhance Your Workouts

To get warm and loose, a light jog on the treadmill and a dynamic warm-up are must-dos before any training session. But it turns out that there’s a third piece to the pre-training puzzle that you’re probably missing. Short for “central nervous system,” your CNS is your body’s control centre. It acts as the middleman between your brain and your muscles. Like your muscles—which can