6 Resistance Band Exercises For Back Problems – It Will Make You Stronger But Without The Pain

There are few things less sexy than having back problems. You feel old. You feel out of commission. You feel totally and utterly hopeless. But what if we were to tell you that there’s a way to alleviate some of that pain and perhaps, beat it? And even better — it’ll cost you next to nothing? Meet your new friend:

3 Full Body Exercises To improve Not Only Your Body But Your Concentration And Efficiency

Want a head-to-toe workout? Here's three full-body exercises that you can do anywhere in 10 quick minutes. Between work, home life and other daily activities, it’s easy to fall into the straight-through-til-5 trap! But show that breaking up your nine-to-five with a workout improves problem-solving abilities by 10% and efficiency by 15%. So, schedule this ten-minute full-body workout in before

6 Incredible Yet Tough Exercises That Build Immense Amount Of Muscle

You should never feel humiliated in the gym. You should work out in an environment that makes you feel comfortable and motivated. That being said, there are some awkward exercises you wouldn’t be caught dead doing in the midst of a crowded weight room. Each exercise has a strategically matched superset exercise to maximise your results. Whether you want to incorporate a

5 Exercises To Ramp Up Your Next Walk In The Park With This Fun And Effective Workout

It’s hard to justify training in a dark gym when the sun is still shining outside. Especially since you can build muscle just as effectively using your own bodyweight as you can by lifting some iron. Your outdoor workouts don’t have to be all cardio all the time. You can fit in a fun and effective strength routine while you

Burn Fat And Build Endurance With 8 Bodyweight Moves You Can Do Outside In The Sun

For those who are getting quarantine fever, it’s OK to take advantage of the warmer temperatures and take your workout outdoors and enjoy mother nature. This outdoor programme, will assist your quest to stay ripped while working your entire body. There are multiple ways to take on building your muscle endurance. If it’s your main programme, do it three to

14 Do-Anywhere Total Bodyweight Workout Moves To Keep Strong And Healthy

Your living room makes a convenient gym. There are no membership fees. There’s just you and just enough floor space. But is a workout at home one that can get you in ripped-and-ready-for-the-world-without-a-shirt shape? Without question. Home workouts become real sweat sessions when you turn off the television, crank some motivational tunes, and give it your all. No matter how