5 Lower Back Bodyweight Exercises To Ease Off Back Pain And Strengthen The Surrounding Muscles

With a proper routine, you can strengthen your core and gluteal muscles and reduce your injury risk. This workout can be performed with nothing but your body weight. To further protect your low back, maintain an upright, engaged posture while on the job and avoid staying in any one position for too long. Low-back pain (LBP) is the most common

Three Ways To Target The Serratus Anterior And Strengthen It For A Better Workout

While it’s not a completely mysterious area—you may have heard it referred to as your “bear hug” muscle. This could be because it’s a mouthful to say or because muscle-themed classes tend to focus on larger muscles or groups of muscles (such as the hamstrings or quadriceps). The serratus anterior is a multi-segmented muscle that originates at the upper eight

10 The Most Alkaline Foods That Help Balance Body pH

The alkaline base-forming minerals are associated with a significant and rapid increase in blood and urinary pH and a long-term increase in urinary pH after 1 week of supplementation. The ingestion of alkaline mineral-rich fruits and vegetables can help offset the acidogenic nutrients that dominate prevailing diets and thereby regulate an optimum and stable acid-base balance. Conversely, continued reliance on

5 Core Exercises to Improve Balance And Stability For A Solid Lift

Core stability is essential to both static and dynamic balance. Unfortunately, many traditional core-training exercises, such as crunches and leg raises, do little to improve stability. To enhance balance, core exercises should be functional, multi planar and involve both single and double leg movements. Core stability is a vital component of balance. These exercises utilise double and single leg movement