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So far Zoe has created 832 blog entries.

The Muscle-Building Home Resistance Band Workout That’s As Effective As Lifting Weights

The elastic exercise band tends to get lumped in with the corner not being used as it's the so-called “wussy” equipment, while the barbell and dumbbell are beyond reproach. But this isn’t a fair judgement, especially if you’re using them with the correct workout. What bands provide that no other equipment (except cables) can is accommodating resistance. Take the push-up,

The 30-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Home Workout To Blast Fat And Shape Your Muscles

Strength training is vital to overall health and fitness for everyone, regardless of age. Don’t have access to a gym? No problem. All you need is a few dumbbells at home in order to get an effective, full-body workout. Adding dumbbell weights to your workout routine is an excellent way to boost the amount of calories you burn, increase your

Here’s A Yoga Workout Just For Men To Re-Energise, Build Strength And Increase Endurance

If you think yoga is just for women, you are wrong! You're already doing it! Those planks you add to every core session? Yoga. That stretch before your pickup game? Yoga. The deep breaths you take to centre yourself when you're stressed? Yoga. Yoga can be extremely beneficial for everyone — but especially for men. How? Men often suffer from tightness

Get Ready For Some Serious Gains With This One Piece Of Kit That Will Give You A Full Body Workout

There are plenty of benefits to be had from switching things up every once in a while, especially when you are at home! Kit doesn't come much more functional than the sandbag, and this military training favourite can be easily incorporated into your full-body workouts to maximise results. Sandbags mimic real-life situations where you have to pick up and carry awkward objects, and

Utilise These 10 Ways To Effectively Combat And Recover From Soreness After A Workout

Any increased intensity to your workout and exercise routine is liable to cause Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), which (although sometimes painful!) is nothing to be worried about as it is a natural reaction within your body. The good news is that your body gets used to increased activity quickly, so DOMS should not become something that always happens and should

Is There A Workout Where You Can Burn Calories At Home? Right Here! 6 Moves To Blast Fat Away

One of the most effective ways to train for fat-burning at home is to experiment with circuit training; a collation of different exercises, performed immediately after each other in order to really get your blood pumping! This form of exercises is a great way to quickly burn a lot of calories making it really effective for fat loss. All you