To attain the lean, tight midsection, you must progressively make your abs stronger, burn the flab hiding them and dial in your diet. This programme will help you do that. The training regimen is broken down into three four-week phases.
In Phase 1, you create the basic foundation that lets you proceed to more advanced routines in Phases 2 and 3. And as you progressively work your abdominals harder, you’ll refine your diet each week to prepare for the unveiling of those fabulous abs come summertime.
The guidelines listed here help you ease into and fine-tune your existing diet, it’ll take plenty of dietary discipline as well. This programme is designed to fit into your current workout schedule; just do your regular training and cardio routines as prescribed and swap out your usual ab work for these targeted routines three days a week, resting at least 48 hours between sessions.
Month 1: Creating The Foundation:
This month is about adapting to the exercises that form the foundation of this program. Perform your regular weight-training routine while using the workout below to train your abs three times a week, resting at least 48 hours between sessions. Do cardio at a moderate to high intensity 4—5 days a week for 30 minutes.
Related article: 6 Beneficial Beginner Core Exercises To Start Your Journey To A Flat Sculpted Core
Month 2: Making Progress And Muscle Definition:
Time to build some muscle. This month, add weight to the exercises from Month 1. Just like last month, do the program below in the order listed three days a week, resting at least 48 hours between workouts. In addition, perform your regular weight-training routine and increase your cardio to 45 minutes per session 4—5 days a week.
Month 3: The Final Stretch:
Welcome to the last four weeks of your fab ab journey. This month’s goal is to build muscle endurance. Just as you did in Months 1 and 2, perform the program below three days per week, resting at least 48 hours between workouts. In addition, do your regular weight-training routine and increase your cardio to 4—5 days a week, 45—60 minutes per session.
Related article: 5 Stretches In 5 Minutes – Prime Your Muscles For A Safer, More Efficient Walk Or Run
Weeks Out: Write It Down:
People who keep a food journal are more successful at losing and maintaining weight. It simply makes you more accountable: When you write down every morsel you put in your mouth and note how certain foods make you feel or affect your performance mentally and physically, you can easily make adjustments. Continue doing this throughout the program.
Weeks Out: Carry Water:
Regular water keeps digestion, nutrient absorption, temperature regulation and waste elimination running smoothly. Plus, a study found that drinking a half-litre of cold water increased metabolic rate by 30% for more than an hour after drinking.
To calculate your water-intake goals, take your bodyweight in pounds and divide that number by two. That gives you the minimum number of ounces of water you should drink daily.
Related article: Both Swimming And Running Are Known To Be Good For Weight Loss, But Which Is The Best?
Weeks Out: Eat Protein at Every Meal:
Eating protein makes you feel satisfied, therefore decreasing hunger sensations. If you eat only carbs, you’ll crave more; more carbs for full recipe can turn into a vicious cycle leading to poor energy and weight gain because of increased calorie intake. Aim to consume 20—30 grams of protein at every meal.
Weeks Out: Make One New Recipe Per Week:
Doing this accomplishes a few things: It eliminates eating out (when you can’t control portions or ingredients), it introduces a variety of foods into your diet, and did we mention portion control?
Related article: 7 Great Ways To Incorporate Veggies Into Your Diet To Maintain Health And Weight
Weeks Out: Load Up on Fruits and Vegetables:
Consider the colours of your fruits and vegetables as your map to beneficial phytochemicals and antioxidants. Each colour represents different phytochemicals that work in different parts of your body’s cells. Consuming a rainbow of foods during the day helps fight off the cell damage that intense exercise can provoke.
Weeks Out: Forget Late-Night Munchies:
Avoid eating three hours before bed. However, if you must, eat protein like low-fat cottage cheese, a part-skim mozzarella cheese stick or a boiled egg. Do not eat carbs during this three-hour period since any food intake is more easily stored as fat when you’re asleep.
Related article: The Time Of The Day When You Burn The Most And Least Calories For Optimal Weight loss
Weeks Out: Avoid Drinking Your Calories:
Consider this: Drinking a 10-ounce glass of fruit juice each day can add 51,100 calories in a year, or nearly 15 pounds. Tired of water? Drink green tea or coffee; both benefit your health and training without calories. Green tea contains antioxidants and can help burn fat. Coffee has been shown to improve performance in the gym when consumed before training.
Weeks Out: Eat Whole Grains:
Whole grains are higher in fibre, protein and other important nutrients, and they make you feel satisfied and full longer. Research also shows that women who eat whole grains weigh less than those who don’t. Choose 100% whole-wheat bread, brown rice and whole-wheat pastas. This step will help you avoid sugar and refined wheat, preparing you for next week’s goal.
Related article: Pumped Up Pilates Exercises Takes The Abs-Tightening Technique And Transforms It Into A Total-Body Lean Routine
Weeks Out: Eat “Clean”:
Start eating clean, which means you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, nuts, seeds, and lean meats and fish. Minimize the intake of foods with preservatives, artificial ingredients, chemically altered fats and high sodium.
Weeks Out: Subtract Added Sugar:
Consider that the average person consumes 20 teaspoons of added sugar daily—in the forms of corn syrup, glucose and table sugar added into processed foods—and that adds about 320 calories per day. Cutting these unwanted calories can help you lose the fat that seems to be holding onto your midsection.
Related article: Ditch These 6 Foods And Drink Options Before Your Workout So They Don’t Derail Your Gains
Weeks Out: Revisit Your Journal:
Two weeks to your goal, how’s your diet? Look over your food journal entries. Have you been eating enough protein? How’s your vegetable intake? Can you crank each up a notch? Identify the areas in which you might have been a bit lax and renew your commitment.
Weeks Out: Eliminate Salt:
At this point, you have only seven days until it’s time to reveal your abs. So if you’ve been using frozen meals for portion control, canned vegetables to get your five-a-day or deli meat for your protein fix, say no to them this week because they contain higher levels of sodium than fresh foods.
Too much of this mineral can promote water retention and bloating—two things that can hide your hard-earned ab definition. Look at your journal to identify the sneaky ways salt gets in your diet and cut back. It may mean breaking up with your saltshaker.