By fusing the latest science with a bit of hard graft, your core will be stronger and more defined in time for the swim-shorts season. For your first workout, you’re working one side of your body at a time.

Not only will this make you look cool on the gym floor, but it will also activate your core and obliques twice as much as regular abs movements. The moves are paired in supersets to keep your heart rate up. Schedule this workout for Mondays and Thursdays.

Strength forged, your second workout will fire up your metabolism and hit your abs in different ways. By switching between pulling and pushing, you’ll delay fatigue in your muscles, so you can work at a higher intensity for longer.

You’ll call on your abs in every one of these moves to keep your balance. Or to avoid falling on your arse, basically. Do this on Tuesdays and Fridays, and rest on Wednesdays. Off you go.

Workout 1:

One-arm Parallette Row:

4 sets of 10 each arm

How to:

  • In a high plank position with arms straight, grip a parallette in one hand and hold a dumbbell in the other below your shoulder.
  • Your body should be straight with your legs out behind you.
  • With the weight just above the floor, row up to your hip, thinking about pulling with your elbow.
  • Hold, then lower.
  • Switch sides after 10 reps, then go straight into your swings.

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Kettlebell swing:

4 sets of 15 each arm

How to:

  • Stand tall with a kettlebell in one hand between your legs.
  • Start the move by hinging at your hips, with your chest up and a slight bend in your knees.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • When your torso is almost parallel with the floor, drive the weight up by pushing your hips forward.
  • Switch sides after 10, rest for 60 sec and go back to the rows.

Related article: What Is The Best Rest Time Between Sets For Monster Muscle Growth?

Reverse Lunge: 

4 sets of 10 each leg

How to:

  • Stand tall with one kettlebell extended above your head.
  • Stepping back with the opposite leg, drop your knee to touch the floor before pressing back to standing.
  • Keep your core tight at all times and your arm extended.
  • After 10 reps on one leg, switch sides before going immediately into your loaded carries.

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Mixed Suitcase Carry:

4 sets of 20M each

How to:

  • Hold one kettlebell above your head and the other kettlebell by your side.
  • Keep your shoulders back and tense your core as you take your weights on the move.
  • After 20m (roughly two lengths of track), switch arms and repeat.
  • That’s one set. Rest for 60 sec before your round of reverse lunge.

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Workout Two:

Seated Band Row:

4 sets of 10

How to:

  • Sit down with your legs straight out in front of you and wrap a thick resistance band around your feet, holding the other end of the loop in both hands.
  • Contract your back and biceps to pull the band towards you and hold, briefly, an inch from your chest.
  • This is the hardest part, so keep your core tight and back straight.
  • Reverse slowly and repeat.

Related article: The Benefits Of Progressive Overload And Why It Is Beneficial For Gaining Muscle Mass Fast

Alternating Med Ball:

4 sets of 12

How to:

  • Set up in a press-up position – this time, though, grip a medicine ball (or wall ball) underneath one hand.
  • Perform your press-up as normal, keeping your back flat and your core tight.
  • However, when you come back to full extension of your arms at the top, roll the ball across and underneath to your other hand, ready to go immediately into your next rep.

Related article: The Beneficial Bench Press Guide To Build Your Chest And Increase Your Press!

Dumbbell Thruster:

4 sets of 12

How to:

  • Standing tall holding a pair of dumbbells to your shoulders, drop into a squat, keeping your core tight.
  • As you explode back up through your quads, press the weights above your head, fully extending your arms at the top.
  • Bring the weights to your shoulders, just before you drop straight back into your second squat.

Related article: 6-Pack Workout – Challenge Upper, Lower And Side Abs

Walk Out Toe Tap:

4 sets of 4

How to:

  • Start the rep by folding forward and extending your hands to the floor.
  • Walk your hands out until you reach a high plank.
  • From here, reach back with your left hand to touch your right foot, then repeat with the other hand.
  • Walk your hands back and return to standing to complete your first rep.