Build strong glutes with these yoga-inspired positions, poses, and exercise that target your butt. The term ‘yoga butt’ is no joke—just check out the downward dogs all around you in most any class. Yoga lets you sculpt, mould, and tone your lower body using just your body weight.
Of course, the right strengthening moves stretch you too, so you’re elongating your muscles and working them harder. Want a stronger butt? Incorporate the below yoga-inspired moves into your routine, and you’ll be well on your way to that derriere you’ve been after.
Want to use some hand weights? This weighted workout strengthens your rear, too.
What do these moves work?
- Glutes
- Legs
- Core
- Back
Warrior I:
Hold for five deep breaths. Switch sides; repeat.
How to:
- From down dog, step your right foot forward between your hands.
- Spin your left heel down with the foot slightly angled out.
- Press into your feet, and reach your arms to the ceiling, framing your face.
Related article: How To: Wide-Legged Forward Bend Yoga Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana) 5 Variations
Warrior II:
Hold for five deep breaths. Switch sides; repeat.
How to:
- From down dog, step your right foot forward between your hands.
- Spin your left heel down with the foot slightly angled out.
- Windmill your arms open, left arm reaching toward the back of your mat and right arm reaching to the front of your mat.
- Bend right knee, keeping it in line with your right ankle.
Related article: 6 Of The Most Soothing Yoga Poses To Boost Relaxation And Beat Insomnia
Warrior III:
Stay here for five deep breaths and then switch sides.
How to:
- From a standing forward bend, walk your hands under your shoulders, placing them on the floor.
- Transfer your weight to your right foot, putting a slight bend in your right knee, and float your left leg high behind you.
- Reach through your left heel and internally rotate your left thigh so your toes point toward the ground.
- If you feel steady, lift your hands off the ground and frame your torso with your arms reaching back toward your heel.
Related article: The 6 Exercise Weighted Yoga Workout That Tones, Sculpts And Creates Flexibility
Diver’s Pose:
Hold for five deep breaths.
How to:
- From standing, put a soft bend in your knees, come high on the balls of your feet.
- Start to hinge forward from your waist, keeping your arms on either side of your torso.
- Allow your head to dive toward the ground.
Related article: Stretch and Strengthen Your Hips With These Hip-Opening Yoga Poses
Chair Pose:
Stay here for five breaths.
How to:
- From standing, bend your knees, sink your hips, and reach your arms high to frame your face.
- Stay here for five deep breaths.
- For a challenge, come onto the balls of your feet for five deep breaths.
- For an extra challenge, from there, reach your arms forward as you reach your butt back.
- Pancake your torso to your thighs, and flex your palms toward the front of the room.
Related article: Tone Your Abs, Sculpt Your Tush Plus Strengthen Your Arms With This Effective Plank Workout
Elevated Wide Squat:
Hold for five deep breaths.
How to:
- From standing, step your right foot way out to the right, turn your toes out, sink your hips.
- Bend your knees until they are directly over your ankles.
- Then come high on the balls of your feet, frame your face with your arms.
Related article: Your Yoga Cool-Down Routine To Compliment Your Workout Efforts
Hamstring Twist:
Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat. Do 3 sets.
How to:
- Stand near the top of the mat with your feet together.
- Hinge forward from your hips and touch hands to floor a few inches in front of feet, keeping elbows bent.
- Lift your right leg behind you for a standing split.
- Bending your left knee, swing your right knee back down behind left leg toward the outside of your right knee.
- Extend your right leg behind you again as you straighten left leg.
Related article: 8 Yoga Poses To Strengthen Your Lower Back & Abs In Only 10 Minutes Per Day
Downward Dog with Leg Extension:
Do 5 reps. Switch sides; repeat. Do 3 sets.
How to:
- Start in down dog.
- Get on all fours on the mat, then tuck your toes under and press your hips back and up toward the ceiling as you walk your feet back a few steps to form an inverted V, balancing on your palms and feet; keep heels on the floor.
- Maintaining inverted-V position and keeping your elbows locked, lift your left foot off the mat and extend behind you, foot flexed, forming a straight line from head to heel.
- Turn your toes to the left and bring the leg directly out to the side at hip height, keeping your leg parallel to floor and foot flexed.
- Hold for 5 counts.
- Return the left leg back behind your body.
Related article: 5 Yoga Exercises To Strengthen Impingement Shoulder & Rotator Cuff
Dolphin Kick:
Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
How to:
- Start in plank position, balancing on the mat on your forearms and toes.
- With your elbows directly under your shoulders; keep hips lifted slightly.
- Bend your knees to almost touch the floor, then return to start.
Related article: 5 Effective Resistance Band Exercises To Help You Achieve A Strong Firm Butt
Fire Hydrant:
Do 20 reps. Switch sides; repeat. Do 3 sets.
How to:
- Begin on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders.
- Place your left forearm on the floor so that your right hand is perpendicular to your left hand; twist torso slightly to the left and lift your left knee just off the floor.
- Keeping your left knee bent 90 degrees throughout, raise the leg out to hip height.
- Lower the leg under your hip without letting it touch the floor to return to start.
Related article: 6 Yoga Poses That Help Burn Fat & Build Strength For The Ultimate Body
Locust Pose:
Hold for five deep breaths.
How to:
- Lie face down on your mat, big toes together.
- Clasp your hands behind your sacrum.
- Use a big inhale to lift your chest and your feet off the ground.