Deadlift Does Not Thicken Your Waist – 3 Reasons Women Need to Deadlift

The deadlift is one of the main exercises that women shy away from, this is due to the fiction that women will become"bulky". This is far from the truth! Deadlifts gives you great glutes? It certainly can, but let's go further than that. Whether you're a woman who trains hard but sees no benefit or reasoning to deadlift, here's why you need to pick it

4 Easy Exercises To Achieve Stunningly Strong Shaped Arms

While different exercises focus on different muscles, all the parts of the body are still required to work together, making upper body exercises essential for the successful athlete. Strong arms are important in running, biking, lifting and aerobics. Strengthening your upper body, especially the shoulders and back, will give you the posture to fight unnecessary injuries and maintain form in workouts.

Glutes Workout & Exercises for Women – 5 Moves That Seriously Lift Your Butt

Who doesn’t want a perfectly shaped gravity-defying butt? These exercises will target - tone & firm up your glutes & thighs fast. Want a firm bum? Look no further! Lose the flopping booty and get a perfectly toned posterior with this 10-minute firm butt workout. These exercises will help you to strengthen your buttocks, thighs, back and get you a

Beginners Quad Workouts

The overall plan of any weight trainer should be to establish a routine that helps to develop lean muscle mass in a completely balance fashioned. That means that each muscle group is targeted through consistent and alternating workouts. The result is that each of the muscle groups will work in tandem with each other to produce optimal results. Whether you’re training to