Build Your Upper Body With Close-Grip Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are a popular compound bodyweight exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, especially the back, shoulders and biceps, which makes them an essential part of any training routine. They’re also very versatile – once you’ve mastered the regular pull-up, you can experiment with the grip width in order to achieve specific results. That being said, the target muscle of both

Want Washboard Abs? Then You Need To Get To Grips With These 10 Moves

Unleash your abs with this explosive plan! Looking for a more intense ab workout? Then you've hit the right article! This workout will burn and drive your abs into immense shape and strength in no time! Six-pack exercises don't start and end with sit-ups. As any proud owner of six-pack abs will attest, it takes more than just endless crunches, twists and sit-ups