Upper-Body Push Workout For Better Delts, Pecs And Triceps With This One Routine

Need a training pick-me-up? Plan your strength-training sessions around specific muscular movements instead of muscle groups! This upper-body push workout, which targets your chest, shoulders and triceps, will get you started. Do each exercise as described, leaving 30 to 60 seconds of rest between sets. Complete this gym routine once or twice per week on nonconsecutive days, balancing it with sessions

Can I Tone My Tummy With Just 5 Exercises? Yes You Can With This Great Workout

Some women are under the impression that they’ll bulk up if they strength-train. This isn’t the case. In actuality, strength-training helps boost metabolism and maintain lean muscle mass as we age. This core-based workout uses body weight and forces the synergy of multiple muscle groups. It improves balance, agility, flexibility, and power to maintain a healthy physique, fend off disease,

The Bulgarian Bag Workout That Builds Functional Fitness And Impressive Full Body Muscle Growth

If your idea of getting adventurous with training gear is to adjust the height of a cable by one notch, it’s time to broaden your gear horizons. Look beyond barbells and machines and you’ll find a range of kit that will get you moving in a way that builds real-world strength and fitness. It’ll also give your brain a boost,

9 Exercises That Challenge Your Body and Brain For A Satisfying Body Changing Workout

Exercise is one of the best things you can do not just for your body, but also for your brain too. The more you use the body-mind system, the more it will grow. Think of movement as a way to code your nerve networks. A variety of exercises that present unique challenges will code your body and brain for high-level functionality. Which means that by

6 Standing Abs Exercises For A Sexy Six-Pack And Slender Body Sculpt

Get up off the floor and work your core more with this standing abs workout. Standing abs exercises offer plenty of bonus benefits—you'll engage more muscles at once, improve your postural support, and burn more calories than most traditional floor exercises. Plus, you don't need any equipment or a lot of space to do these standing exercises for lower abs, upper abs,

Muscle Defining Superset Shocker For Chest And Triceps

These workouts follow a superset protocol, where you perform two different exercises back-to-back. It’s an efficient way of stimulating the working muscles to grow bigger. This workout comprises two chest-based moves, two triceps-focused moves, straight sets of cable cross-overs to hit the middle part of your chest and, to finish, some intensive cardio. For the supersets, complete all the reps

12 Cable-Machine Moves That Build Muscle and Torch Calories For A Lean Muscle Physique

Looking for a different way to gain strength, boost power and torch calories? You can enhance the effectiveness of nearly any workout with one common piece of equipment. By adding the resistance of a cable machine to your exercises you can build your core strength, generate power during your workouts and burn calories. You’ll feel powerful results and won’t waste