What Are The 5 Most Efficient Ab Exercises? Utilise This Workout And Build Abs Of Steel

No one will dispute the fact that you need to train your core, the general area that connects all of your fleshy stuff from below the chest and above the waist, all the way around. But some people will argue that directly training the anterior core—or front, is unnecessary because big and heavy compound movements like the squat and deadlift

Are Your Hip Flexors Tight? Use These 9 Exercises For A Warm-Up Or Complete Workout

When it comes to longevity in the weight room and on the field, not getting hurt is key. And while it's mostly anecdotal evidence, the athletes and clients of mine who perform dedicated stretches – especially the hip flexor stretch – prior to training and competition tend to not get hurt. Sure, we know that stretching is important to give

6 Exercises To Target The Glutes And Encourage Growth And Strength

The gluteus maximus gets a lot of attention, not only because it’s a prime mover for exercises like squatting, hip hinging and running, but because of its derriere-shaping effects. There is, however, another often-overlooked gluteal muscle deserving of your attention. The gluteus medius is responsible for abduction, internal and external rotation of the hip, and stabilisation of the hip and