Will A Variation Of 9 Exercises Give Me A Six Pack? This Workout Will Prove It Does

If you've been searching high and low for the secret to getting a flat stomach and six-pack abs—but haven't had any luck—you're not alone. After years of doing a bazillion crunches during every workout, I finally learned that determination only gets you so far when the approach is wrong. Everybody wants a six-pack-which is great. For the best results, both

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs With 3 Exercises And A Tweak to Your Diet

Breasts. Yes, men do have breasts.  There are several medical conditions that can cause breast enlargement in men. One is gynecomastia, which can cause swollen breast tissue and even breast tenderness. This condition is usually caused by some issue with testosterone, leading to more oestrogen in the body. However, for the majority of men, man boobs are simply a result

7 Of The Most Beneficial Lower Back Exercises To Support You With Your Workouts

We all want chiselled arms, strong legs, and glutes, but what about your lower back muscles? Your back musculature should complement the strength of your core, neither one being stronger than the other. The primary job of the core is to support and stabilise your spine, so it’s a balance to develop a strong foundation, front to back. If those muscles are strong,

5 Barbell Exercises for Women To Obtain A Great Start To Your Training And Body Goals

Many women steer clear of lifting heavy because they assume it’s just for guys who want to look beefy. It’s actually incredibly difficult for women to develop bulky muscles from lifting. Our high levels of oestrogen make it easier for us to store fat, which is why we have to work very hard with weights to even maintain muscle. If