Mastering The Incline Barbell Bench Press: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

The incline barbell bench press is a great way to add variety to your pressing routine and to hit muscle groups from different angles leading to new growth. Taking nothing away from the barbell bench press, the incline press can allow you to really focus on your upper and inner chest muscles and shoulders. The strictness of the exercise takes

Mastering Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: Straight arm pulldowns target the upper back, specifically your latissimus dorsi (lats), teres major and the trapezius. Aside from these, it also uses the secondary muscles of your deltoids and abdominals along with your quads and glutes to maintain a stable position throughout the movement. Exercise Instructions: Stand behind a lat pulldown machine and grab the pulldown bar

Mastering Rear Lat Pull-Down: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: Wide grip rear pulldowns primarily targets the latissimus dorsi muscles of your back. It also strengthens the middle back, deltoids (shoulders), biceps and forearms as secondary muscle groups. Exercise Instructions: Position yourself on a lat pulldown machine and grab the bar securely using an overhand grip with your hands a little wider than shoulder width on the bar.

Mastering The Single-Arm Lat Pull-Down: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Pulldown exercises are typically performed on a cable machine, with both arms pulling a bar downward. By attaching a handle to a high pulley, however, you can do pulldowns with one arm at a time. You engage more muscle fibers with single-arm than double-arm exercises, so you can lift heavier weights and make greater strength gains. Additionally, single-arm exercises prevent