How Can I Build Muscle & Lose Fat At The Same Time? Easy, Use These 6 Tips

You’ve probably seen there is a tonne of information about training, nutrition and supplements on the internet, magazines, television… Some of it is very useful, but unfortunately, most of it is very misleading. Often, when people find themselves overloaded with information, they can pick bad advice, or even fail to act, mainly because they get confused and don’t know what

5 Different Types of Supersets That Increase Muscle, Strength And Definition

If you've never heard of or understood what supersets are and the benefits, then look no further, because here at gymguider we have outlined the structures and reasons why you should start involving them into your workouts! There comes a point in every trainers life when they stop, and realise that no matter how much time, effort or exercise change

Isometric Contraction Training Method – Break Growth Plateaus

Relatively few people are aware of isometrics or give incorporate it in their training programmes. The isometrics have many benefits when it comes to gaining strength, mass and making you more healthy. Also athletes tend to lack isometric and eccentric strength relatively to their concentric strength. Even if your goal is to build muscle mass, different approaches activate stimulate muscle

8 Deadlift Variations Complete With Benefits & Why You Should Try Them

Even if you are new, you would have known about this extremely common exercise performed by bodybuilders and average trainers. However, the world's‘ deadlift’ can seem extremely daunting. You will understand that ‘deadlifting’ is one of the must-do exercises to get you closer to looking in great shape. The deadlift can benefit all types of fitness levels, but also be