The Best Placement For Your Feet To Gain Quad And Leg Muscle Mass On The Leg Press

You may not realise it, but where you place your feet on the leg-press sled can impact which muscles get trained the hardest. Learn more, and try each variation today! While the barbell squat is widely considered the king of all leg exercises, the leg press—another effective and popular leg builder—is definitely in the royal family. Even though it's easy to load up

The Essential 8: Multi-joint Exercises & Training Splits That Will Get You Ripped

Resistance training is more important and far more effective than cardio for fat loss, and is an essential part of your training programme. There are eight essential exercises that everyone should include in their resistance training programme. So, you want to get lean;  be ripped? You have your nutrition targeted at fat loss; you have your supplement regimen all ready. Now, you

4 Simple Tricks To Stop Sugar Cravings

Sugar.It’s everywhere. Of course, we can spot the obvious places– like ice cream and cookies, soft drinks and candy bars. But sugar also hides in less obvious places. Did you realise that store-bought spaghetti sauce almost always contains sugar? How about crackers, bread, and barbecue sauce? Even your breakfast sausage likely contains a good amount of the sweet stuff that

5 Super Strength Exercises for Runners

Being a strong runner isn’t all about the miles you put in, strength matters too. And while many runners avoid strength training because they worry it will make them bulky and run slower, the reality is anything but. Strengthening exercises should be a big part of all runners’ training as they can help prevent bone loss while reducing joint pain and running