Can I Build Abs Without Doing Crunches? These 10 Moves Will Shape Your Core

It's crunch time! Not that's there's a single crunch in this bunch of ab moves. If you still think that doing crunches will score you amazing abs, you're in for a rude awakening. This diverse group of exercises targets your entire core to help you sculpt a flatter belly. Flattening your belly requires multi-muscle exercises that target all the regions

Are You Over 40 And Want To Stay Toned? These 8 Moves Will Keep You Feeling Young & Fresh

Losing weight after 40 is not as hard as you think. Although strength-training is key, how you train can make a difference between so-so results and a metabolism that stays in high gear, burning fat and showing off lean muscle. The secret is targeting a specific type of muscle fiber called type II, or fast-twitch, that's responsible for bursts of

Are Resistance Bands Effective For Building Muscle? They Are! 14 Full Body Moves Right Here

At the height of lockdown, when gyms were shut, many of us discovered the power of the resistance band. These humble strips of rubber don't get much play when you've got a full set of weights and machines to get stuck into, but it turns out they can actually provide a beneficial workout, from the comfort of your own home.

Do Your Goals Revolve Around Gaining Muscle Or Losing Fat? Here’s How To Cut Or Bulk

This article will be aimed at beginners that aren’t quite sure if they should cut or bulk. Much more goes into successfully bulking and cutting completely, but these basics will get you started and give you a lot of great advice. Especially in the bodybuilding and physique community, bulking and cutting are integral for effectively building a good amount of