Can I Tone My Tummy With Just 5 Exercises? Yes You Can With This Great Workout

Some women are under the impression that they’ll bulk up if they strength-train. This isn’t the case. In actuality, strength-training helps boost metabolism and maintain lean muscle mass as we age. This core-based workout uses body weight and forces the synergy of multiple muscle groups. It improves balance, agility, flexibility, and power to maintain a healthy physique, fend off disease,

Flatten Your Belly And Reveal Your Sensational Core With This Ab Workout

Get ready to whip off your cover-up: This workout combines fat-burning cardio with moves that target your entire core rather than individual muscles, so you'll burn more fat while toning up. Do these workout moves three nonconsecutive days a week. Start with the Basic Workout (moves 1-4 at right) to prime your muscles. After three weeks, you'll be ready to graduate to

Lower Abs Muscle Gain With 10 Exercises

There's probably one area you feel like you can't work enough: Your abs! More specifically, your lower abs. It seems like no matter how much training you do, they just stay the same? Well there’s a reason for that. The term "lower abs" is actually a misnomer, your rectus abdominis muscle, or abdominal wall, actually covers your entire midsection and connects