Stomach Vacuum Exercise And Why You Should be Introducing It Too Your Workout

Sucking your belly in to get a slim stomach seems too good to be true, but it's a real technique. The stomach vacuum, as it's called, is a powerful way to train your transverse abdominis, the deep internal ab muscle responsible for good posture, organ support and impressive feats of core strength. The stomach vacuum works because you're tensing the

Here’s How To Rock a Full body Workout With Just A Push-Up

If you’re like me, you feel really strong and capable throughout your entire workout—and then you get to push-ups. It’s like strength just deflates the second you start doing them. While push-ups aren’t complicated, they do require strength and engagement from many different parts of your body. They challenge our pecs, our triceps, and  shoulders, and require a good understanding

A Dumbbell Workout That Can Be Achieved From The Floor To Obtain Muscle Gain

Sometimes working out is just so much work. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get stronger and spend time on your back watching your favourite programme? we've hooked you up with a dumbbell workout you can do almost entirely reclined. Even if you’re horizontal for the whole workout, there are plenty of challenging moves you can do with dumbbells

The 8 Easy To Do Exercises To Define And Show Off Your Lower Abs

Women and men are constantly searching for exercises that will help eliminate a loose or puffy lower-ab area. No amount of lower-abs workouts will magically make your abs pop or offer the ultimate solution for how to get rid of belly flab. However, these effective exercises target multiple abdominal muscles, so you'll strengthen your entire midsection—including your lower abs—with every

The 6 Best Abs Exercises for Fast Results And A Workout You Can Do From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

This is a quick ab workout that totally toasts your core! Focus on correct form above all else. Rest if you need to if fatigued muscles begin to compromise your form, but then get right back into it. This incorporates mostly bodyweight moves, so it's the perfect workout to do at home, on holiday, or anywhere where you don't have access

4 Techniques: Strength, Muscle Building, Endurance Or Fat Loss To Get The Body You Want!

How do you expect to progress if you’re always following the same programme? Here are four ways to mix up your training and get you powering forward. Simply choose your goal and then start incorporating the technique into your programme. Don’t rush with this technique. Do each portion slowly and deliberately to fire and tax the most muscle fibres possible.

The Push-Pull Workout For A Full Body Fat Burning Workout

Even out your pushes and pulls with this fat-burning, muscle-building, full-body workout. When you train, it’s tempting to do only your favourite strength exercises. But favouring only a few isolated, similar movements and neglecting opposing and complementary ones can create muscular imbalances. Push exercises work the muscles you use to move weight away from your body, specifically the pectorals, triceps,