Get A Fast And Effective Total-Body Workout Using Just A Medicine Ball In Only 10 Minutes

If you’ve never used a medicine ball for your workout then you’re missing out. Medicine balls are particularly useful for explosive movements, and there’s no better exercise for relieving stress in the gym than the medicine ball slam, where you hurl one into the ground as hard as possible. You can’t do that with a dumbbell, unless your gym is really

How Can I Hit Every Angle Of My Abs With One Workout? By Utilising This Ab Pumping Regime

Yes, you can have a strong midsection with rocking abs,but it’s going to take more than crunches to get it. While the crunch may be a classic exercise, it targets only a single muscle group, when your core is made up of at least four different muscle groups. Since the core is typically required during dynamic movements, it should be

15 Minute Body-Weight HIIT Workout That Will Improve Your Figure And Fitness

Try this quick and effective body-weight high-intensity interval training routine, whenever you are short on time but want a great workout with no equipment needed. Dynamic body-weight exercises help develop functional strength and recruit more muscles to perform the movement compared with an exercise like a bicep curl. Set an interval timer  for 30 seconds of work and 20 seconds

10 The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Sculpting and Toning Stronger Legs

Pumping iron isn’t the only way to strengthen your legs. Weight training typically targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes, yet neglects the smaller muscles critical for balance and joint stability, such as the hip abductors and adductors, flexors and obliques. Training with resistance bands is one of the best ways to work every muscle in the lower body, and you can

Do You Dream Of The Perfect Toned Tummy? Start This Workout And Start Your Dream

You’ve probably heard it before, but you really don’t have to do another crunch.  No, really—don’t. They’re bad for your posture. Instead, use these exercises to firm, flatten and contour your waistline by training your abs, obliques and back muscles to resist bending motions and stabilise your core. The recipe for six-pack abs isn’t all that complicated: Crank out an abs workout, eat