This Three-Month Plan Can Move You Towards Revealing And Achieving Your Ab Goals

To attain the lean, tight midsection, you must progressively make your abs stronger, burn the flab hiding them and dial in your diet. This programme will help you do that. The training regimen is broken down into three four-week phases. In Phase 1, you create the basic foundation that lets you proceed to more advanced routines in Phases 2 and 3. And as you progressively

Step Up Your Game With These 10 Pro-approved Kitchen Tactics To Get Shredded Fast

Summer may be over, but abs never go out of style.  You’re lean, but you’re not ripped. Don’t panic. You’re not doomed to a life of soft abs. Just when you thought there was nothing else you could do, you’ve stumbled upon this page. If your chicken-and-broccoli game is strong, you eat every three to four hours like clockwork, and protein powder

6 Fats That Help Assist With Losing Body Fat – Here’s What You Need On Your Plate

Healthy fats provide a wide array of health benefits, up to and including more efficient fat loss. We need adequate fat to support metabolism, cell signalling, the health of various body tissues, immunity, hormone production, and the absorption of many nutrients (such as vitamins A and D). They help reduce inflammation in the body, improve brain and eye function, and

7 Great Ways To Incorporate Veggies Into Your Diet To Maintain Health And Weight

If you don't like vegetables or are just looking for creative ideas to add more vegetables to your day (including breakfast!) you're in the right place.  Most of us don't get enough vegetables. For most vegetables, 1 cup is a serving. For raw, leafy vegetables like salad greens, it's 2 cups. Vegetables are a great source of healthy nutrients like

The 5 Tasty Vegetables To Build The Most Muscle and Strength

When it comes to pre-workout and post-workout nutrition, it's all about timing, carbs and protein -- for vegans and non-vegans alike. The wrong timing can lead to delayed recovery, compromised results and stomach upset during training, while proper timing and food help you perform at your best. When it comes to building muscle and strength, getting enough protein is as fundamental

Use This Week-Long Menu Of Healthy, Easy Breakfasts To Power Your Workout And Start Your Days Off Right

If you work or go to school, chances are that the time between your alarm and you pulling away in your car are filled with stress, hustle, and a coffee-deprived haze. But regardless of your morning rush, you need to fit in some time for food – some sustenance, not only to kick-start your motor but to halt muscle loss

Here’s 8 Vegan Friendly Foods To Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels

The body produces testosterone in both men and women to regulate body mass, work with other hormones, and control sex drive. In men, testosterone contributes to the distribution of fat and red blood cell production, but testosterone levels start to decrease after the age of 30 at a rate of around 1% a year. Some of the benefits of increasing your testosterone levels include improvement in your body