5 Stretches In 5 Minutes – Prime Your Muscles For A Safer, More Efficient Walk Or Run

No one wants to extend their workout longer than they have to, skipping a post-walk stretch session is a bad idea. Absolutely, stretch after your walks. Although it’s debatable whether stretching keeps soreness at bay or prevents injuries, it does still serve an important purpose. Your muscles are warmer at the end of a walk so it’s easier to increase

9 Body Blasting Exercises Specifically Targeting Arms Abs And Legs Using Only Your Bodyweight

Why waste hours toiling away on one little muscle at a time when you can target three in one workout with just 9 exercises? Make these multi-tasking exercises to tone arms and legs and abs a mainstay of your workout: Each one simultaneously hits your arms, abs, and legs, so you’ll get total-body results in a fraction of the workout

Three Workouts With Only Four Moves Will Help Get You The Lower Body You Deserve

Up-and-coming training programs often tend to steal the thunder of the exercises we have been doing since the rise of recreational exercise. While it is important to adjust your workouts regularly to keep your body and mind on their proverbial toes, sometimes, the simplest solution is what you really need. It seems like every new exercise modality is high-intensity interval

This Workout Targets Your Glutes for a Better Lift And Shapely Lower Body

If you're like most women—and many men—you want a better butt. You're tired of sitting on pancakes. You want to defy gravity and deny the dreaded droop. In short, you want to build glorious glutes. Learning how to activate and recruit the glute muscles is an essential component to effective glute training. Glute workouts should address not only the glutes themselves,

Is Stretching After A Lower Body Workout Beneficial? See For Yourself With These Fantastic 10 Exercises

For many people, stretching is just one that you try to skimp on whenever you can. You know you're supposed to do it, but still, somehow it's the thing you always "forget" to do and decide you'll get to later (and then never do). All it takes, though, is a couple of minutes of stretching to reap the long-term benefits of increased mobility

15 Minute Body-Weight HIIT Workout That Will Improve Your Figure And Fitness

Try this quick and effective body-weight high-intensity interval training routine, whenever you are short on time but want a great workout with no equipment needed. Dynamic body-weight exercises help develop functional strength and recruit more muscles to perform the movement compared with an exercise like a bicep curl. Set an interval timer  for 30 seconds of work and 20 seconds

10 The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Sculpting and Toning Stronger Legs

Pumping iron isn’t the only way to strengthen your legs. Weight training typically targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes, yet neglects the smaller muscles critical for balance and joint stability, such as the hip abductors and adductors, flexors and obliques. Training with resistance bands is one of the best ways to work every muscle in the lower body, and you can