The 5 Best Upper Body One-Arm Exercises To Fix Muscular Imbalance and Get Stronger

Unilateral training (lifting with only one arm or one leg) is important. The problem is, we have some coaches who say it's a waste of time while others limit their unilateral training to just the lower body. The former group is just plain wrong and the latter group is shortchanging their athletes. How often have you been doing a squat

Back To Back Dumbbell Exercises To Build Full Body Strength And Burn Fat

Complexes are an effective way to train, since they boast all the benefits of traditional strength training with the added perks of cardiovascular conditioning and fat loss. Because you flow the movements by using the same weight throughout each one, complexes boost muscular endurance, which means you’re training muscles to repeatedly exert force against resistance. Complexes are great for everyone

Get Lean With This 20-Minute Dumbbell Circuit & Stimulate Both Muscle Growth

We have a warning for you before you embark on this workout. It’s, er, a bit challenging. The good news, though, is that the reason it’s so hard is also the reason it’s so effective. Instead of using a sequence of exercises that target different muscle groups, this workout involves doing pairs of exercises that target the same muscle group.

The Four-Week Lean Muscle Workout Plan To Shock Your Body Into Burning Fat And Building Lean Muscle

Making a big change to your body – the kind of transformation that makes people do a double-take when you remove your shirt – requires a big effort. But it doesn’t have to take a lot of time, especially if you follow a progressive and challenging workout programme that’s designed to push you out of your comfort zone every time

The No-Nonsense Five Sets Five Reps Routine That Focuses On A Full-Body Strength Workout

The best training programmes take into account the key variables for your goals. And if you want to get stronger, the key things to focus on are the weight you’re lifting and the volume (total work) you perform. Doing five sets of five reps is a great way to get the best of both. A five-rep set will simultaneously allow

Try These Smart Tweaks To Your Favourite Gym Moves To Reignite Your Upper-Body Muscle-Building Mission

If you want svelte, toned arms, cardio is not the answer. Because if you don't have the muscle in the first place, there's no way you can show it off. "You have to create the shape [first], and weight training is the simplest way to do that. Building lean muscle helps shape rounded shoulders, define triceps and biceps, and carve

The Essential 8: Multi-joint Exercises & Training Splits That Will Get You Ripped

Resistance training is more important and far more effective than cardio for fat loss, and is an essential part of your training programme. There are eight essential exercises that everyone should include in their resistance training programme. So, you want to get lean;  be ripped? You have your nutrition targeted at fat loss; you have your supplement regimen all ready. Now, you

The Bulgarian Bag Workout That Builds Functional Fitness And Impressive Full Body Muscle Growth

If your idea of getting adventurous with training gear is to adjust the height of a cable by one notch, it’s time to broaden your gear horizons. Look beyond barbells and machines and you’ll find a range of kit that will get you moving in a way that builds real-world strength and fitness. It’ll also give your brain a boost,