Get A Fast And Effective Total-Body Workout Using Just A Medicine Ball In Only 10 Minutes

If you’ve never used a medicine ball for your workout then you’re missing out. Medicine balls are particularly useful for explosive movements, and there’s no better exercise for relieving stress in the gym than the medicine ball slam, where you hurl one into the ground as hard as possible. You can’t do that with a dumbbell, unless your gym is really

Try This Tri-Set Deltoids Workout To Grow Bigger Stronger Wider Shoulders

Lifting a weight that’s too heavy without a proper warm up or, workout to reach up to your 1RM is a mistake regardless of the part of the body you’re working, but it can be truly disastrous when performing shoulder exercises. It is absolutely essential to schedule some shoulder-specific exercises into your workouts, because without strong shoulders, you’re going to

4 Techniques: Strength, Muscle Building, Endurance Or Fat Loss To Get The Body You Want!

How do you expect to progress if you’re always following the same programme? Here are four ways to mix up your training and get you powering forward. Simply choose your goal and then start incorporating the technique into your programme. Don’t rush with this technique. Do each portion slowly and deliberately to fire and tax the most muscle fibres possible.