Try This 6 Move Bodyweight Test to Help Find and Fix Your Weak Spots For A Better Lift

You’ve heard about symmetry before: It’s a mathematical principle that denotes exact equality on two sides. Some elementary school teacher probably taught you about all of this years ago, and you likely haven’t thought about symmetry since. But you should, and especially when it comes to running, because an asymmetrical body could be the culprit behind a nagging injury, or

6 Stretches to Help Reduce And Relieve Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain (LBP) affects most people at some point in their lives. In a majority of cases, LBP can be significantly reduced or completely relieved with Pilates. The combination of deep abdominal strengthening, postural awareness, and release and stretching exercises makes Pilates extremely effective in the prevention and treatment. The Neutral Spine position taught in Pilates is used as

4 Simple Tricks To Stop Sugar Cravings

Sugar.It’s everywhere. Of course, we can spot the obvious places– like ice cream and cookies, soft drinks and candy bars. But sugar also hides in less obvious places. Did you realise that store-bought spaghetti sauce almost always contains sugar? How about crackers, bread, and barbecue sauce? Even your breakfast sausage likely contains a good amount of the sweet stuff that

The Benefits Of Chicken For Extreme Training And Growth

By its very definition, weight training is hard work. Certainly if you are doing it correctly! Building strength and muscle requires the physical application of consistently overloading the body with heavier and heavier weights in order to stimulate an adaptation and growth. When the pounding of the weights has stopped though, the body really has to get to work recovering, repairing, rebuilding