Overnight Oats With up to 21 Grams of Protein and 5 Reasons to Try Them

Busy weekday mornings call for simple breakfasts that can be made in advance — and overnight oats definitely fit the bill. They’re perfect for early mornings when you’re flying out the door or need to refuel after a morning workout. Plus, they offer endless flavor combinations so even the pickiest eaters can find an option to love. You start with fibre-rich oats, soak them in

The 10-Minute Stretching Sequence You Should Do Every Day To Assist With Your Training

Stretching is one of those things that tends to get dropped to the bottom of people’s healthy to-do lists, but adding it to your daily routine can be highly beneficial. Post-workout static stretching—where you hold a pose for 10 to 30 seconds—can improve range of motion around your joints. Stretching after you exercise can help move inflammation out of your

5 Lower Back Bodyweight Exercises To Ease Off Back Pain And Strengthen The Surrounding Muscles

With a proper routine, you can strengthen your core and gluteal muscles and reduce your injury risk. This workout can be performed with nothing but your body weight. To further protect your low back, maintain an upright, engaged posture while on the job and avoid staying in any one position for too long. Low-back pain (LBP) is the most common

Three Ways To Target The Serratus Anterior And Strengthen It For A Better Workout

While it’s not a completely mysterious area—you may have heard it referred to as your “bear hug” muscle. This could be because it’s a mouthful to say or because muscle-themed classes tend to focus on larger muscles or groups of muscles (such as the hamstrings or quadriceps). The serratus anterior is a multi-segmented muscle that originates at the upper eight

Legs And Shoulder Exercises To Avoid And Exchange For More Beneficial Movements

Strength training is a great way to stay in shape and even recommended by most health care professionals as the perfect weight loss method, but newcomers and experienced trainers alike should practice safety when working out. Common mistakes made by gym-goers that often lead to strains or significant injuries include: all-or-nothing approach, unbalanced strength-training programs, bad form, not progressing, not

5 Yoga Exercises To Strengthen Impingement Shoulder & Rotator Cuff

Shoulder impingement happens when lifting your arm overhead causes your shoulder blades to rub against the muscles of your rotary cuff. These four muscles — the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis — control the ability to rotate your arms and lift them overhead. Shoulder impingement is generally caused by repetitive use of your arms overhead in activities such as