4 Techniques: Strength, Muscle Building, Endurance Or Fat Loss To Get The Body You Want!

How do you expect to progress if you’re always following the same programme? Here are four ways to mix up your training and get you powering forward. Simply choose your goal and then start incorporating the technique into your programme. Don’t rush with this technique. Do each portion slowly and deliberately to fire and tax the most muscle fibres possible.

The Push-Pull Workout For A Full Body Fat Burning Workout

Even out your pushes and pulls with this fat-burning, muscle-building, full-body workout. When you train, it’s tempting to do only your favourite strength exercises. But favouring only a few isolated, similar movements and neglecting opposing and complementary ones can create muscular imbalances. Push exercises work the muscles you use to move weight away from your body, specifically the pectorals, triceps,

5 Effective Resistance Band Exercises To Help You Achieve A Strong Firm Butt

A resistance band does exactly what the name suggests: it adds resistance to an exercise. This added resistance helps strengthen your muscles and pushes you to work a little bit harder. As resistance bands stretch, they create increased tension in your muscles and cause them to contract. The more you stretch the band, the more intense the resistance gets, and the

5 Effective Resistance Band Exercises For A Strong, Firm Butt That Will Make You Look And Feel Amazing

Resistance bands are a workout essential and a cheap piece of fit kit for if you want to seriously strengthen your lower body on a budget. So, why is building a strong lower body so important? It's home to some of your largest muscles—your hamstrings, adductors and quadriceps, to name a few—which stabilise your entire body in day-to-day activities. Moves

These 8 Moves Shrink Your Waist, Sculpt Your Shoulders And Lift Your Butt For Enviable Curves

The definitive hourglass physique — strong shoulders, tiny waist, shapely hips and glutes — a look you, too, can develop using this programme. Whether you want to add curves or streamline your own, this offers the perfect balance of strength, flexibility and cardio. The goal is to build a functionally strong, symmetrical, feminine body while creating curves. This workout is

Feel The Burn And Watch The Change In Your Glutes With The 20-Minute Leg And Butt Workout

We've got an excellent 20 minute butt workout, made special just for you. How to build a stronger, fitter butt? "My answer is always the same. Keep it simple!" Keeping it simple means selecting exercises that you can do with form. We have designed a butt-burning routine that includes only simple moves! Maximising your butt-strengthening potential is to really focus