11 Dynamic Stretch Exercises To Assist With Massaging Hard To Reach Muscles For Instant Relief

Stretching and self-myofascial release are critical for your body. Stiff joints and tight muscles are normal and a daily occurrence. This is where mobility is a major part. Mobility is something that improves your overall goals and daily activities. Exercises like these daily stretching examples change that and can make a huge beneficial change. Dynamic stretching increases blood flow and can

Post Activation Potentiation Training Method To Build Your Body And Super Size Your Strength

Post-activation potentiation refers to a short-term improvement in performance (e.g. jumping) as a result of using a conditioning exercise (e.g. back squats). Many conditioning exercises, for example back squats, deadlifts, plyometrics and isometric contractions have all been shown to improve subsequent performances. This performance improvement is due the muscles being placed into a ‘potentiated’, or ‘activated’ state. At present, there

Mastering Jump squats: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: The jump squat is an excellent body weight exercise for increasing strength and explosive power in the large muscles of your lower body. This exercise mainly targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes (butt). If you want to increase your vertical jump for sports like basketball, then incorporating this exercise into your workout routine is highly recommended. You can

Mastering Box Jump: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Overview: Box jumps are some of the most effective plyometric exercises you can perform and they are extremely popular in CrossFit. Apart from increasing your lower body strength and explosiveness, box jumps also increase a person’s overall speed as well as improving their coordination. The cardiovascular benefits of this exercise are also very beneficial. Including box jumps into your CrossFit