2 Push/Pull Workout Plans – Create a Full Balanced Body With These Workouts

What are push and pull workout plans? They’re simple but effective ways to get a balanced workout. When someone says, “yeah, I lift”, we often think multiple days in the gym consisting of chest, back, shoulders, arms and the dreaded leg day. That is the “traditional” way to lift, right? Dividing muscle groups into different lift days, although not bad,

5 Waist-Clinching Exercises To Sculpt Sexy Side Abs And Create Stunning Obliques!

As we enter  into the colder weather, we also wave hello to the best time to prep for bikini season.There's no better time to whittle your waist for tummy-baring tops and body-boosting swimwear. A few oblique moves can easily add some definition to your side, so try these simple exercises for a little extra va va voom! These five basic