Are Dumbbells Good For Toning Your Physique? Yes! These 5 Moves Will Get You A Sizzling Body

Looking for dumbbell exercises to specifically target key muscle groups? If you find yourself stuck in a fitness rut aimlessly Googling tummy exercises, bum exercises or the best exercises for abs, it might be time to include some humble dumbbell exercises into your workout routine. Use dumbbell exercises in your workout sessions. Used smartly, dumbbell exercises can improve your fitness by challenging a muscle

3 Simple Butt Exercises To Help Lift And Tone That You Can Do Right Before Bed

A toned behind is hardly the only reason you should be doing squats, bridges, and other booty-boosting moves. The best way to work your rear is to approach it with different moves that challenge all butt muscles from different angles. Glutes are the powerhouse in our posterior chain, aka, the backside of your body, and generate maximum efficiency and power

Are Your Hip Flexors Tight? Use These 9 Exercises For A Warm-Up Or Complete Workout

When it comes to longevity in the weight room and on the field, not getting hurt is key. And while it's mostly anecdotal evidence, the athletes and clients of mine who perform dedicated stretches – especially the hip flexor stretch – prior to training and competition tend to not get hurt. Sure, we know that stretching is important to give

6 Exercises To Target The Glutes And Encourage Growth And Strength

The gluteus maximus gets a lot of attention, not only because it’s a prime mover for exercises like squatting, hip hinging and running, but because of its derriere-shaping effects. There is, however, another often-overlooked gluteal muscle deserving of your attention. The gluteus medius is responsible for abduction, internal and external rotation of the hip, and stabilisation of the hip and