How Can I Blast Ab Legs And Arm Fat In 1 Workout? By Using Just A Dumbbell, That’s How!

As much as we like to squish, flick, complain about, and pull on our flab, it’s fair to say we would be better off without it.  But like any relationship, flab needs attention and losing it is all about adjusting your lifestyle. Some types of fat are hard to get rid of because there isn’t much muscle there.  Flab is

Do Towel Workouts Work? We Challenge You To Do These 5 Exercises And See For Yourself

While traditional fitness equipment like dumbbells and resistance bands seem to get all the credit, there are other clever ways to amp up exercises that you probably haven't considered. Whether you're at home or in a hotel room, you've almost certainly got an unexpected, creative workout tool nearby: a hand towel. You read that right. While a hand towel might not sound like it

How Long Do I Need To Build Abs? 7 Minutes A Day Should Do The Trick!

An amazing combo of core-strengthening moves and cardio, this circuit is designed to target not only your abs and obliques, but also the muscles in your back, pelvic floor and even your shoulders. Truth be told, it’s better than doing hundreds of crunches. If you’re training for a sport or just for everyday life, you don’t usually use any one muscle in isolation. This

Can I Build Abs Without Doing Crunches? These 10 Moves Will Shape Your Core

It's crunch time! Not that's there's a single crunch in this bunch of ab moves. If you still think that doing crunches will score you amazing abs, you're in for a rude awakening. This diverse group of exercises targets your entire core to help you sculpt a flatter belly. Flattening your belly requires multi-muscle exercises that target all the regions

Do You Want To Get Fit Firm And Fabulous In 10 Mins? Use Your Stairs & Try These 6 Variations

You've heard "take the stairs, not the elevator," a thousand times. But what if instead of it just being a healthier way to get around, the stairs became your new favorite toning tool? This workout is going to take you up and down a set of stairs while adding sculpting moves in between. Since moving up a flight of stairs

What Piece Of Equipment Builds The Best Set Of Abs? Follow This Workout To Find Out!

Although stability-ball exercises appear to activate about as much deep abdominal muscle as similar movements on the floor without a ball, they can add value to a training session when you’re looking for variety and whole-body integration while working the core. Keep in mind that to work the entire midsection, it’s important to challenge the torso from various directions. That

Is It Possible To Achieve A Killer Set Of Abs At Home? 9 Moves And You’ll Be Seeing Results In No Time

A super busy lifestyle means that you can't always make it to the gym — but at-home workouts don't always have to be a drag. We love the explosion of easy exercises you can do at home. You can work out your core and build a good set of abs in the process by working out in your bedroom, living