Do You Dream Of The Perfect Toned Tummy? Start This Workout And Start Your Dream

You’ve probably heard it before, but you really don’t have to do another crunch.  No, really—don’t. They’re bad for your posture. Instead, use these exercises to firm, flatten and contour your waistline by training your abs, obliques and back muscles to resist bending motions and stabilise your core. The recipe for six-pack abs isn’t all that complicated: Crank out an abs workout, eat

Tone Your Abs, Sculpt Your Tush Plus Strengthen Your Arms With This Effective Plank Workout

Planks, without a doubt, are the best core exercise there is. The harder-than-they-look poses in this workout take it up another notch. Adding movement—like, say, raising an arm off the ground—while holding a plank position increases the challenge to your abs. It also recruits your legs, glutes, back, shoulders, and arms to get in on the action—meaning it can firm

The Fat Burning Body Blasting 20-Minute HIIT Workout You Can Perform Anywhere

By performing quick bursts of high-intensity movements with all-out effort, followed by short periods of rest, you can torch calories and sculpt lean muscles in a relatively short amount of time. One of the big benefits of HIIT is the ability to maximise caloric output during a shorter workout. It improves heart health and creates more of a post-exercise oxygen

How Do You Get In Shape With A Bad Back? By Utilising This 8 Minute A Day Workout

Don’t turn your back on back fat! Because those drooping back folds are associated with insulin resistance, high testosterone, and low carb tolerance. To get rid of back fat, you must eat healthy and exercise the back muscles. These muscles – the lats, traps, erector spinae, rhomboids, etc. – support your spine and back, aid daily movements, strengthen your shoulders,

Try These 5 Different Stairmaster Workout Exercises To Build Your Booty Sky High

Cardio days or stay home days? The stairmaster workout exercises you’ll read are amazing to tone,shape and lift your tush! The “golden machine of cardio” aka the stairmaster is an answer for you. It’s the machine that looks like a mini-stairway to nowhere town and it is hard.  The best part about the stairmaster is that it helps add to