Master The Toes-to-Bar With These Progressions For An AB-solutly Elevated Abs Workout

Elevate your abs sessions way above the plankers with the fiendish toes-to-bar move. Learn these four progressions and you’ll raise the standard of your core workouts for good. This is on the trickier end of bodyweight moves, so training and strengthening each position of the rep will clean up your form when they’re put together. They can also serve as warm-ups once you’ve mastered

Use This Healthy Grocery List For Good Health and Top Performance

Every day, we eat vitamins and minerals that are useful to keep our bodies running at full capacity. Well selected, these foods allow you to have more energy, boost your performance, improve your concentration and accelerate muscle recovery. It is therefore important to closely monitor what is happening on the plate. Most supermarkets stock more than 30,000 items, yet every

6 Group HIIT Circuits That Burn Fat, Build Muscle And Improves Strength

High-intensity interval training is efficient—workouts are under half an hour and often just a few minutes. And they’re effective. HIIT improves athletic endurance, strengthens the heart and cuts body fat. Fortunately, the high intensity doesn’t have to mean high impact. Lower-impact exercises are great for people with knee or ankle injuries, or anyone heading back into the gym after a

The Best 20-Minute 8 Exercise Bodyweight Workout for Weight Loss

Let’s face it: Finding the time to exercise is often a lot harder than your actual workout. Between work, family and friends, personal hobbies and other social commitments, many people struggle to fit fitness into their daily routine. You’ll push hard for 20 minutes to create core stability, and get a much-needed cardio benefit that’s way more effective than jogging.

Will A Variation Of 9 Exercises Give Me A Six Pack? This Workout Will Prove It Does

If you've been searching high and low for the secret to getting a flat stomach and six-pack abs—but haven't had any luck—you're not alone. After years of doing a bazillion crunches during every workout, I finally learned that determination only gets you so far when the approach is wrong. Everybody wants a six-pack-which is great. For the best results, both