The 6 Exercise Weighted Yoga Workout That Tones, Sculpts And Creates Flexibility

Yoga is great, but after a while it's just not much of a workout. If you’re dedicated to a consistent practice, you already know that yoga is actually an amazing way to get your entire body moving, challenging your physical and mental stamina, agility and strength. That said, yoga isn’t exactly the rigorous, high-intensity workout that many people crave. But,

Increase Your Intensity and Strength With These 7 Resistance Band Workout Moves

People sometimes avoid resistance bands because they are unfamiliar with how to use them. Working out with bands feels different than dumbbells and other equipment because resistance if felt during both parts of the exercise. You don't have to lift a weight to build strength, thanks to the invention of resistance bands. These small yet powerful tools are perfect for

7 Advantages Of Dumbbells And Why You Should Ditch The Barbell

For those with goals related to strength training, there are countless options for increasing lean muscle or adding strength. Choices include the traditional weight machines, barbells or dumbbells, as well as a wide variety of specialised equipment such as kettlebells, medicine balls, sandbags and even oversized tires. Dumbbells are often used for joint-isolation exercises such as biceps curls, chest flyes

The 30-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Home Workout To Blast Fat And Shape Your Muscles

Strength training is vital to overall health and fitness for everyone, regardless of age. Don’t have access to a gym? No problem. All you need is a few dumbbells at home in order to get an effective, full-body workout. Adding dumbbell weights to your workout routine is an excellent way to boost the amount of calories you burn, increase your

Sculpt Strong Legs And An Incredible Butt With This Cellulite Blasting Workout

Cellulite gets a whole lot of attention—but it's completely natural. Technically, cellulite is just fat that happens to be packaged in lumps instead of layers. Various factors—genetics, hormones, and bad circulation, to name a few—figure into whether you'll develop it. The most important thing to know is that, no, you absolutely do not need to worry about the appearance of

How To Bench Press Effectively And Safely In Order To Maximise Your Gains

Once you mastered how to bench press correctly, you mastered gains. If there is one exercise that doesn't need introduction, it's the bench press. Yet, many people perform it incorrectly, hindering their gains and potentially risking the integrity of their skulls as well. The bench press is one of the BIG 5 exercises that can give you a full body workout and

Three Workouts With Only Four Moves Will Help Get You The Lower Body You Deserve

Up-and-coming training programs often tend to steal the thunder of the exercises we have been doing since the rise of recreational exercise. While it is important to adjust your workouts regularly to keep your body and mind on their proverbial toes, sometimes, the simplest solution is what you really need. It seems like every new exercise modality is high-intensity interval