Chest – Flat Dumbbell Fly

1. Take position, sitting at the front end of a flat bench with your feet on the floor and the dumbbells upright on the thigh muscle just above your knee cap. This means the palms are facing each other. 2. Keeping the dumbbells on the thighs, rock back into the lying position with dumbbells at the sides of shoulders. (This practice

Fill Your Muscle-Building Workout With These 10 Biceps And Triceps Moves

Building an impressive, muscular set of upper arms is usually at the top of most lifter’s priorities at the gym. The biceps and triceps are considered a “showy” muscle group and there isn’t a single serious bodybuilder out there who doesn’t want to develop these muscles to their full potential. In this article, I’m going to give you a no-fluff,

Gain Muscle Mass Using Only Dumbbells With 10 Demonstrated Exercises

Dumbbells are an inexpensive and versatile. They allow you to create many workouts that build muscle mass and also define muscle appearance. Weight, reps and pace are the biggest attribute to your goal, from cardio to building mass. Achieving a new body needn't be complicated. When used correctly, the benefits of dumbbells are endless in terms of health benefits and

The Complete Exercises Sets & Reps Guide To Show Off Mind Blowing Delts Training

The key to developing delts that have a round, three-dimensional look is to proportionally develop all three heads. That way your delts look full whether viewed from the front, rear, or side. The most common mal-development pattern among trainers is having well developed front delts, moderately developed middle delts and seriously lagging rear delts. This will typically manifest itself by significant internal rotation

Dumbbell Training: What Are The Benefits Of Training With Dumbbells?

In most strength and bodybuilding training programmes, the barbell is usually the preferred reference. When we talk about how you one can bench, squat or deadlift, we mean the exercises done using the barbell. However, what many people do not know is that dumbbell training provides many advantages to athletes, bodybuilders and anybody that trains for general fitness. In

Lower Chest Workout For Rounded And Defined Pecs

Having well-defined pectorals, or “pecs” for short, is essential to a balanced body. A great chest definitely turns heads, but more importantly, it’s essential to making an athlete stronger for competitions and for helping perform many everyday tasks. When talking about your chest, it’s important to remember that the pecs consist of three separate sections: Upper. Mid. Lower. Interestingly, the

Mastering The Biceps Spider Curl: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: Performing exercises from different angle points has been a renowned way of changing up your training program, preventing boredom and targeting different areas of a particular muscle. Within the bicep muscle there are two heads to be targeted; the short head and the long head. Below are the particular ways in which you can target each section individually;

Mastering The Incline Dumbbell Curl: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution

Muscles Targeted: The muscles targeted with this exercise are the biceps, forearms and shoulders. The biceps are the primary muscle and the forearms and front deltoids are secondary muscles. Biceps are composed of two heads; the long head and the short head. The long head constitutes the majority of the peak and makes up the outer head of the biceps.