These 8 Moves Shrink Your Waist, Sculpt Your Shoulders And Lift Your Butt For Enviable Curves

The definitive hourglass physique — strong shoulders, tiny waist, shapely hips and glutes — a look you, too, can develop using this programme. Whether you want to add curves or streamline your own, this offers the perfect balance of strength, flexibility and cardio. The goal is to build a functionally strong, symmetrical, feminine body while creating curves. This workout is

4 Fun Moves to Sculpt Your Upper Body Get Incredible Arms & Epic Abs

Incredible arms are your sexiest accessory and the surprising secret to epic abs. Few things are more empowering than having strong arms. (Busting out real push-ups; lifting your carry-on into the overhead compartment in one fell swoop.) That type of confidence never goes out of season. We'll even throw in a set of shoulders. (They're considered among the easiest muscles

Are Dumbbells Good For Toning Your Physique? Yes! These 5 Moves Will Get You A Sizzling Body

Looking for dumbbell exercises to specifically target key muscle groups? If you find yourself stuck in a fitness rut aimlessly Googling tummy exercises, bum exercises or the best exercises for abs, it might be time to include some humble dumbbell exercises into your workout routine. Use dumbbell exercises in your workout sessions. Used smartly, dumbbell exercises can improve your fitness by challenging a muscle

5 Core Exercises to Improve Balance And Stability For A Solid Lift

Core stability is essential to both static and dynamic balance. Unfortunately, many traditional core-training exercises, such as crunches and leg raises, do little to improve stability. To enhance balance, core exercises should be functional, multi planar and involve both single and double leg movements. Core stability is a vital component of balance. These exercises utilise double and single leg movement