14 Do-Anywhere Total Bodyweight Workout Moves To Keep Strong And Healthy

Your living room makes a convenient gym. There are no membership fees. There’s just you and just enough floor space. But is a workout at home one that can get you in ripped-and-ready-for-the-world-without-a-shirt shape? Without question. Home workouts become real sweat sessions when you turn off the television, crank some motivational tunes, and give it your all. No matter how

Increase Your Intensity and Strength With These 7 Resistance Band Workout Moves

People sometimes avoid resistance bands because they are unfamiliar with how to use them. Working out with bands feels different than dumbbells and other equipment because resistance if felt during both parts of the exercise. You don't have to lift a weight to build strength, thanks to the invention of resistance bands. These small yet powerful tools are perfect for

The Perfect 20-Minute 3 Interval HIIT Workout You Can Squeeze in Anywhere For Maximum Gains

HIIT workouts are still some of the most popular for one simple reason: they work! By performing quick bursts of high-intensity movements with all-out effort, followed by short periods of rest, you can torch calories and sculpt lean muscles in a relatively short amount of time. One of the big benefits of HIIT is the ability to maximise caloric output during

The 6 Exercise Ultimate Body-Weight HIIT Workout- Take Your Body To The Next Level

Steady-state cardio that generally requires lengthier workouts can be monotonous for many. Lucky for you, there's a shorter cardio option, which allows you to reap the same benefits as a more time-consuming one. Yep, we're talking about HIIT cardio workouts! HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, cardio workouts are those that use short, all-out bursts of exercise, followed by lower intensity,

The Muscle-Building Home Resistance Band Workout That’s As Effective As Lifting Weights

The elastic exercise band tends to get lumped in with the corner not being used as it's the so-called “wussy” equipment, while the barbell and dumbbell are beyond reproach. But this isn’t a fair judgement, especially if you’re using them with the correct workout. What bands provide that no other equipment (except cables) can is accommodating resistance. Take the push-up,

The 30-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Home Workout To Blast Fat And Shape Your Muscles

Strength training is vital to overall health and fitness for everyone, regardless of age. Don’t have access to a gym? No problem. All you need is a few dumbbells at home in order to get an effective, full-body workout. Adding dumbbell weights to your workout routine is an excellent way to boost the amount of calories you burn, increase your

The 10-Minute Bodyweight Workout That Will Keep You Strong And Lean

This bodyweight circuit is quick, but tough. If there’s one thing we know about working out, it’s that the routines definitely don’t have to be long to be tough—and the proof is right here!  Don’t let self-isolation hold you back from your summer body! It’s important to take the time to stay physically and mentally fit and healthy. Here’s a full-body