Are Dumbbells Good For Toning Your Physique? Yes! These 5 Moves Will Get You A Sizzling Body

Looking for dumbbell exercises to specifically target key muscle groups? If you find yourself stuck in a fitness rut aimlessly Googling tummy exercises, bum exercises or the best exercises for abs, it might be time to include some humble dumbbell exercises into your workout routine. Use dumbbell exercises in your workout sessions. Used smartly, dumbbell exercises can improve your fitness by challenging a muscle

The 5 Best Upper Body One-Arm Exercises To Fix Muscular Imbalance and Get Stronger

Unilateral training (lifting with only one arm or one leg) is important. The problem is, we have some coaches who say it's a waste of time while others limit their unilateral training to just the lower body. The former group is just plain wrong and the latter group is shortchanging their athletes. How often have you been doing a squat

Try This 6 Move Bodyweight Test to Help Find and Fix Your Weak Spots For A Better Lift

You’ve heard about symmetry before: It’s a mathematical principle that denotes exact equality on two sides. Some elementary school teacher probably taught you about all of this years ago, and you likely haven’t thought about symmetry since. But you should, and especially when it comes to running, because an asymmetrical body could be the culprit behind a nagging injury, or

Back To Back Dumbbell Exercises To Build Full Body Strength And Burn Fat

Complexes are an effective way to train, since they boast all the benefits of traditional strength training with the added perks of cardiovascular conditioning and fat loss. Because you flow the movements by using the same weight throughout each one, complexes boost muscular endurance, which means you’re training muscles to repeatedly exert force against resistance. Complexes are great for everyone

Get Lean With This 20-Minute Dumbbell Circuit & Stimulate Both Muscle Growth

We have a warning for you before you embark on this workout. It’s, er, a bit challenging. The good news, though, is that the reason it’s so hard is also the reason it’s so effective. Instead of using a sequence of exercises that target different muscle groups, this workout involves doing pairs of exercises that target the same muscle group.