How To Build A Juicy Round Tush With 7 Gratifying Glute Moves

What do celebrities like Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, J-Lo and Nicky Minaj have in common? It's their butts that drive everyone crazy. While most women with good looking booties can thank genetics, or is still possible to accentuate your backside through diet, supplements, and exercise.So, here are some practical steps for making your buttocks firmer and better looking. A lot

This Burn And Firm Workout Will Trim Fat Faster, You’ll Look Sleek & Feel Strong

This do-anywhere routine will help you lose weight and gain lean muscle in record time by checking all the boxes–cardio, strength, and mobility. The simple formula: four rounds of eight body-weight strengtheners mixed with intermittent blasts of burpees. You'll do fewer reps each round, so you'll think the workload is getting easier when really you're pushing your body closer and

Will My Body Shape & Lift If I Just Use A Barbell? These 6 Moves In 1 Workout Will Achieve This

Slowly but surely, women are taking over the weight room. They're realizing that, no, lifting weights doesn't make you bulky—and there are some serious mind-body benefits to picking up the heavy weights. But even if women are conquering their fear of the weight room, it doesn't necessarily mean they're taking full advantage of everything in there. Dumbbells and kettlebells are a bit more approachable. But

Did You Know That You Can Make Full Body Gains Using Just A Dumbbell? This Workout Will Show You How

If you use dumbbells smartly they can be your secret weapon in adding lean mass to all your major muscle groups. The beauty of this five-move dumbbell circuit is that it’s both easy to follow and quick to do. And because it only requires a single dumbbell, you don’t even need to brace the winter weather to get your workout

Do You Fancy A Thigh Busting Challenge? This 30 Day Challenge Is Perfect For Re-Shaping Those Legs

Get legs you want to show off with our 30 day challenge. These thigh exercises will get you pins you're proud of in just one month. Apart from making you look fabulous in a dress, toning up your thighs, ones of the biggest muscle groups in the body, can be a brilliant calorie burner, too. These thigh exercises, will target

How Can I Make Key Moves More Explosive? By Utilising These Power Moves In Your Next Workouts

Your favourite bodybuilders, yes those guys, managed to think of exercises that really push growth and strength! Every variation of a curl, press, pull – you name it – was the thought of some bodybuilding enthusiast‘s imagination. We’ve compiled a list of moves named after legends of weight lifting that will make key moves way more powerful. You’ve probably heard

Can You Lose Weight Doing Legs Bums And Tums? Training All 3 At The Same Time Will Slim & Tone Your Body

The lower body is home to some of the biggest muscles in your body so working these not only gives you the shape you’re looking for but also, with muscle being a tissue that burns calories, gives you a bit of a boost in the fat burning department. And a little extra work on the tum can’t be a bad

How Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite In My Butt? With These 5 Moves That Fight Fat

Reducing cellulite is a common aim for people starting out on a fitness journey. The dimpling often found on the thighs and buttocks is often associated with being unfit, but is this a fair assumption? And can your exercise regime make a difference to your body’s cellulite? A lot of workouts are marketed as fat-blasting and cellulite-shrinking. Most women have to

Can You Build Leg Muscle With Calisthenics? This Home Workout Will Build Legs & Glutes Plus Abs

In this article we are giving you a taster of how to learn calisthenics. All you need to do is use your own bodyweight, space and time to achieve your results! It’s perfect if you don’t have time, or can’t afford the gym! All you need is to perform repetitive exercises that use the resistance of your own body to