Do Squats Really Give You a Bigger Bum? Yes & These 8 Variations Will Make It Fun To Grow

You know what the fastest way to a tighter, stronger, curvier, perkier butt is? Squats! It's an effective lower-body exercise that works a bunch of muscles at once, including the glutes, quads, and core. You don't need any equipment to do a squat in its most basic form—your weight and gravity give you all the resistance you need. You can

Can I Achieve A Rockin’ Set Of Abs In As Little As Four Weeks? Yes, These 6 Moves Target Abs!

Six-pack abs are not a “man thing” anymore. Neither are they restricted to athletes, dancers, and celebs. You too can get sculpted abs. But, getting a six-pack can be challenging if you are not sure about the diet and workout you need to follow. To make it easier for you, this article provides the best tips on how women can

Is It Possible To Achieve A Killer Set Of Abs At Home? 9 Moves And You’ll Be Seeing Results In No Time

A super busy lifestyle means that you can't always make it to the gym — but at-home workouts don't always have to be a drag. We love the explosion of easy exercises you can do at home. You can work out your core and build a good set of abs in the process by working out in your bedroom, living

A Heart-Pumping HIIT Plan for All Who Are Ready To Take On The Staircase Workout

Whether it’s in a local stadium or a park, now is the time to research a good outdoor staircase in your hood. Incorporating stair sprints into your workout routine checks off a bunch of fitness goals at once: you’ll increase your heart rate, burn extra fat and calories, and target your lower-body muscles all at the same time. And who