3 Moves To De-Stress, Sculpt And Slim Your Whole Body With Just A Set Of Dumbbells

Fitness crazes come and go, but if you’re looking for a workout that ramps up results, these dumbbell exercises used in the Nalini Method offer serious gains. This intense routine is poised to be the next big thing in fitness. The Nalini Method is a challenging combination of Eastern and Western practices. It fuses mental and physical conditioning for a

4 Exercises To Torch Fat While Strength Training In This 15 Minute Workout

Don't get your gym pants in a twist—we're not bringing step aerobics back. But the step itself? It's one of the most versatile and underutilised pieces of equipment. Just as the platform revolutionized cardio back in the day, this newer take gives a fat-blasting boost to your strength- and interval training workouts. However, this is not your typical exercise step

6 Resistance Band Exercises For Back Problems – It Will Make You Stronger But Without The Pain

There are few things less sexy than having back problems. You feel old. You feel out of commission. You feel totally and utterly hopeless. But what if we were to tell you that there’s a way to alleviate some of that pain and perhaps, beat it? And even better — it’ll cost you next to nothing? Meet your new friend:

This 8 Exercise Workout You Can Do Right At Home Has It All To Create Strong Shapely Legs And Butt

If you think leg workouts for women that include strength moves will bulk you up, you don't know squat. Not only have EMG studies shown that basics like squats, lunges, and calf raises work the leg muscles best, but women don't tend to build big muscles thanks to a lack of testosterone. If you’re looking to build leg and booty